Sunday, May 4, 2008

How to make #1 on Google

Again, I have to say I don't know how to have the first position on google or any other search engine. I read many internet pages and didn't find a simple answer fo that. To be totally honest with you I couldn't find any good answer at all. But there was somebody who made a good point: the content of your site matters. Yeah, I now that but as I can see it doesn't matter for the others. I've seen so many crap internet pages beeing right at the top on google index, and I can't beleve that this is the only one thing that really maters. I do know what this person had on his mind, the content is ok, the more poeple will come to your page and automaticly you will improve your position in index. I think now i should make some other internet pages like, online gaming or just show tits on every page than I will make to the google`s top. With my interest in video editing and software, trying to help people on my site I won't have even 500 visitors a day, I know that, but why do my page is doing so badly in google´s index? I hope this one will cheer you up guys, and remember don't give up! As I'm still trying!