Sunday, May 4, 2008

Duplicated content!

As the war with Google is continuing I decided to by a second domain for my internet forum. That should give me more links and Kudos! So why am I writing all this stuff now?! Let me explain me that shortly: bought a domain -> parked it on my first domain -> read on google that i will lost my page rank and will be removed from google`s index for smth. called duplicated content!!!? WTF!!! I read about all the tricks how to trick google and found one simple solution 301 redirect thingy in .htaccess. Finally I found a guy who was thinking that google doesn't care for duplicate content and you are allowed to have two domains pointing at your web site, in this case it is harder for a good position for one of those as the links will spread on those two domains. So what is my experience with that? I parked a domain on another one, and got it indexed by google today! So don't see the problem!